A conscious lifestyle: Balancing spirituality and sustainability through food. Join us as we delve into meals that align with your beliefs and nourish your body. Today's recipe, a 30-minute lemon-cabbage steak with tahini, is a flavorful and healthy option for lunch or dinner.
What you need:
1 big (white) cabbage
1 tbsp of your favorite oil per cabbage slice
2 tbsp Lemon (or lemon juice) per cabbage slice
A bit of Black pepper
A bit of Salt
1 tbsp of crushed Almonds or pumpkin seeds per cabbage slice
Side salad, for example Kale with almonds.
Fresh herbs for plating
How to prepare:
Turn your oven on 200 celcius and on the "hot air oven" function.
Start by slicing up your cabbage in 1-2 cm thick slices, so they look similar to a steak. Try to keep the leaves as intact as possible, it makes it easier to serve.
Add you slices cabbages in a big oven dish, and lay them side by side
Drizzle over the lemon and oil. Rub in.
Add the salt, pepper and almonds/pumpkin seeds.
After 15 min, take out the oven dish and at this stage the cabbage should have become semi-transparent and also open up. Use this to add more lemon juice, some more almonds and add into the oven for 5 more min.
Let rest for 5-10 min. Serve with a generous amount of Tahini on the top of each cabbage steak and add some kale on the side.

Here are 8 facts about cabbage from Crafty House
1. Ancient roots. Cabbage has been cultivated for longer than almost any other vegetable on record. To be precise, more than 6,000 years! It originated in Shensi Province, China, sometime around 4,000 B.C.
2. Elixir for Baldness. In ancient China (roughly 1000 B.C.) scrolls touted cabbage as a magic cure-all for bald men. It’s hard to say if there’s any truth in this claim, but no one can deny cabbage is chock full of nutrients that promote good health.
3. Vitamin C Galore. Cabbage contains a high concentration of Vitamin C. That means it cuts out toxins in your body, preventing skin disease, arthritis, and rheumatism. Go for red cabbage when you have Vitamin C in mind. It contains double the content of regular green cabbage.
4. Beauty promoter. Healthier hair, skin, and nails are just some of the benefits of eating this leafy veggie on a regular basis. Cabbage’s high sulfur content translates to keratin production, and the result is feeling good inside and out.
5. Cancer deterrent. Eating cruciferous veggies like cabbage has been scientifically proven to lower your risk of developing cancer.
6. Smart snacking. At 33 calories per cup, you’ll never have to feel guilty for chowing down on cooked cabbage. Plus, it’s high in fiber and low in fat! A winning combination.
7. Headache Relief. Rid yourself of that terrible migraine by drinking raw cabbage juice daily, or placing a warm compress filled with crushed cabbage on your forehead. Might sound crazy, but many headache sufferers swear by this technique!
8. Natural tie-dye. Red cabbage makes an excellent all-natural dye in food or on fabric. Try dying your easter eggs baby blue this year with a simple red cabbage dye made with these instructions.